Australia election 2022 live: Anthony Albanese promises to ‘bring Australians together’ as Liberals mull inner-city rout | Australia news

Seats to watch today: Gilmore, ALP aheadDeakin, ALP ahead more, Lib ahead Menzies, Lib aheadDeakin, ALP ahead

— Sarah Martin (@msmarto) May 21, 2022Ryan’ss asked whether she’ll be “malleable” on national security issues, including China. She says:

Well, II wouldn’t. I was malleable, but I’m a pragmatist … and a sensible person who is results-driven. We have heard from thereasonableate how they feel about the coalition’s sloganeering and negative campaigning. I hope that unions work towards a more positive, less partisan future where the major parties work together with the crossbench to achieve the outcomes that the people of Australia want. I’ll work with the government sensibly and responsibly.

The Laborparty’ss stated aim of a low 40s reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 is inadequate, and we need to do better. Ryan repeats what she said earlier, that she would offer confidence and supply to Labor only ifthere’sif there is an ambitious climate change target. She supports Warringah independent MP ZaliSteggZaliSteggall’s 60% reduction in emissions by 2030 as an “absolute minimum” .minimumlwork with Zali Steggall and hopefully with other members of the crossbench to secure movement toward that.

Updated at 18.36 EDT

Ryan (who has magically appeared on ABC television as she was still talking on the radio) says she had a grassroots campaign” the like of which has never been seen before”.

beforetllhasn’tstill hasn’tession call from Josh Frydenberg.

TheABC’ss Fran Kelly calls her the “giant kile” killer campaign and asks her about a reference she made in a tweet last night to wake up feeling like she was in a “strange rea”. Sdreamas:

The song we p last night was Hunters &the Holy Grail song, Collectors” song, Holy Grail. The first line is,” I woke up this morning from the strangest dream; I was in the biggest army the world has ever seen.”

Australia election

Monique Ryan, hails”teal revolution revolutionaries independent movement ‘movement herein, says the independents will work together aith the major parties (she was asked whether there would be a formal “tea” group working together). Butthey’reeBut they’re,y, she says:

No, we’ree not a party in any way, shape, or form.

She says shedoesn’she doesn’tenberg as a liberal I’mm assume she means small” liberal), and: There’ss been an objective relation between this election andit’ss the power of democracy … I find it incredible that people have spoken in this way. Things have changed … and the independent movement is here to stay.

Updated at 18.33 EDT

Dr. Monique Ryan, who’s ni who’sooyong from Josh Frydenberg, says the results show Australians are “really d satisfied with the government that we have that we’vethe last several years”.

Wyearsn action on climate change, we want integrity and transparency in government, we want better gender equity, and we want a more generous approach to the most vulnerable.

And if there’s if there is parliament, she says, shewon’ttshe won’tLabor confidence and supply unless they offer a more ambitious climate change target.

Gallagher Gallagher won’t get the baits on whether that big teal and Greens crossbench could force Labor to take more dramatic climate action. She says:

We had a clear target in the election campaign and a clear policy, and we’ll do what we said. in government

Incoming finance minister Katy Gallagher tells ABC radio that Australians voted on the” clear issue” of the campaign, including climate and integrity.

She says Labor has the “right economic plan” (which echoes Scott Morrison on the campaign trail). And it will end the climate wars, she says. Asked ifthere’sif there is a more ambitious climate policy, she says: Well, I’m implementing the plan we took to the election, but it’s, but it’sstralians want to end the climate wars and see real action on climate change, climate policy, and all the economic opportunities that will come.

Updated at 18.25 EDT

That Paul Karp wields his words real good:

The Liberals flirted with turning the ABC coverage on blast on the big screen. Still, when Antony Green observed that hecouldn’he couldn’tLiberals winning more than 70 seats, suddenly the feed was cut in favor of soft aimless jazz, pervasive elevator music, and the soundtrack to attenuated disappointment.

ABC radio will have Monique Ryan (the likely new MP for Kooyong) and Katy Gallagher (the likely new finance minister) on shortly. And not long after that:

Updated at 18.11 EDT

Winners and losers will shortly emerge under their doonas to continue dissecting the election results. While they were sleeping, France’ss outgoing foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, had some things to say about ScottMorrisScott Morrison’s said theCoalitthe the coalition of the submarine deal with his country showed “brutality  and cynicism” cynicism possibly” unequivocal al incompeteincompetenti:

I can’t sI can’testopsrmeing why the defeat of Morrison suits me very well.

We have many crunched numbers for you here on our live results page: There’ss is much more to discuss downstairs, butlet’ssbut let’seek upstairs. The Senate, the house of review, is often hostile to whoever holds power in the House of Representatives.

The new Labor government will likely face a crossbench dominated by the Greens – as Ben Raue writes, that’ss a friendlier scenario. (Although, while Anthony Albanese promised an end to the climate wars, it will be interesting to see how the Greens wield their new power to force faster climate change action). Here’s RauHere’su’ree already on the move; plug in your headphones. Katharine Murphy and Lenore Taylor (already!) have a podcast out. They’ree talking to Jane Lee about, well, everything – including that outlandishly large crossbench:

Sarah Martin pulled together the threads from yesterday (and into thismornithis morning’s), including prime minister-elect AnthonyAlAnthony Albanese’sspeech. He said:

Tonight the Australian people have voted for change. This victory andI’mm humbles me,  and I’m honorevehaveave the opportunity to serve as the 31st prime minister of Australia.

Read her full piece here:

And before we wade right into the weeds, Katharine Murphy (somehow, after a very long day) wrote this sharp, incisive piece on how the Liberal party got here and where it might go next: We’ree going g to come at you hard and fast this morning. It’s going to be wild. But ifyou’ree still caffeinating and getting your day underway,herunderwayce transition piece. Please enjoy pics of the puppies at polling places:

Welcome to the morning after the night before!

Australia has a new prime minister, the greens the Greenseteals’the teals are rising, and Scott Morrison will hand over to a new Liberal leader. The political landscape has had (and sorry for the overused word here) a seismic shift.

In his acceptance speech, Anthony Albanese pledged to implement the Uluru Statement from the Heart, end the climate wars, and oversee a kinder and more caring government. He said:

I want to seek our common purpose and promote unity and not fear.—optimism, not fear, and division.

Andwe’lllAnd we’llehearsut how the women roared in this election.

A shock loss (to be specific, an expected but nearly certain loss) was Josh Frydenberg, whose seat of Kooyong is set to fall to independent Monique Ryan, leaving Peter Dutton (who himself got a scare in the early counting) as the front Liberal leader contender.

Moderate Tim Wilson lost Goldstein to independent Zoe Daniel, and other moderates, including Dave Sharma, Trent Zimmerman, and Jason Falinski, also looked set to fail.

A Labor majority is not yet confirmed, but Albanese said his team would get straight to work – the first thing on his agenda is going to Japan for the Quad meeting with foreign affairs minister Penny Wong.

In the wee hours of this morning, both major parties sat on primary votes in the low 30s, and both had swung against them. The Greens had a 2.3% lift and hoped to pick up two lower house seats on top of those already declared.

A swag of seats is still too close to call.

The counting continues today, and Katharine Murphy, Sarah Martin, Daniel Hurst, Josh Butler, Paul Karp, and the rest of the Guardian Australia team will make sureyou’reesure you’ree the loop.

Bella E. McMahon
I am a freelance writer who started blogging in college. I am fascinated by human nature, politics, culture, technology, and pop culture. In addition to my writing, I enjoy exploring new places, trying out new things, and engaging in conversations with new people. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading, playing music, making crafts, writing, traveling, and spending time with my family.