Sorority hazing is a prevalent issue within Greek life that often goes unaddressed. It is important to discuss this topic and raise awareness about the dangers and consequences of hazing. Hazing refers to any activity expected of someone joining or participating in a group that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers them, regardless of their willingness to participate. In sororities, ...

Top MCafeeDeX $Whackd. Today’s marketer is forced to work harder than ever before. The online content is overwhelming, and staying current on the latest trends, tips, and tricks is difficult. Hackers can access your computer and delete everything they want. They can even change your password and steal your information. They can take over your computer and redirect traffic to ...

Great Bend Post Ideas for Entrepreneurs. You can start your own business in Great Bend, Kansas. There are great ideas that don’t require a lot of money, but if you’re considering starting a business in Great Bend, here are some ideas to get you started. Great Bend, Kansas, is a great place to start a business, especially if you’re looking ...

The Tobey Maguire gambling scandal was a big deal in the gambling industry. However, ‘it’s important to remember that we are talking about a specific set of circumstances here. That said, it does show that the industry is ripe for change and could use a little modernization. It’s possible that someone a bit more tech-savvy than most people would do ...

Mike Postle is a well-known name in the world of affiliate marketing. He has created a step-by-step training program that teaches people how to promote products on a massive scale. This includes everything from creating a website to generating traffic, building a list, and making sales. Postle says he spends over $100,000 a month on his marketing efforts. However, he ...

The novelty cheque has long been a mainstay of the political “photo op.” Still, a Guardian Australia analysis of photos posted during the 2022 and 2019 election campaigns suggests giant cheques are on the way out, while hi-vis workwear and pictures of dogs are on the rise. While our work building the automated systems behind the pork-o-meter, which tracks election ...

A high-profile independent candidate is planning legal action after the Australian Electoral Commission conceded an anomaly means some people – possibly over 100,000 – isolated with Covid may not be able to vote in Saturday’s election. Guardian Australia understands that Monique Ryan, the teal independent candidate in Josh Frydenberg’s seat of Kooyong, will on Friday lodge an application in the ...

Here is everything you need to know about the voting process in the 2022 Australian election. When is the election? The 2022 Australian federal election day is Saturday, 21 May. How do I enroll to vote, and when is the deadline? The Australian Electoral Commission, the independent body that runs elections, says there are 17 million people enrolled to vote ...

It was Labor costings day – and the party took a gamble with a pledge to deepen the deficit to invest in effective measures such as childcare. And the government seized on new data showing unemployment had dropped to 3.9%, the lowest in decades. Scott Morrison demonstrated his bulldozer persona at a press conference, while one of his ministers blamed ...

Regional communities are concerned they will have to travel for hours to cast their vote on Saturday as the Australian Electoral Commission makes a last-ditch effort to fill staffing gaps so polling places can open. The administration of this year’s election has been hampered by labor shortages, which have been compounded by further staffing shortages due to Covid, with 90 ...