Australian federal election 2022: Anthony Albanese and Scott Morrison make last-minute campaign stops in Melbourne as Australia votes – live news | Australian election 2022

I’m a fairly big footy fan, but I’m not sure how much all these analogies mean to the rest of the voters (and I believe kicking into the wind can be an advantage in rugby union sometimes?)

Paul Karp

On Weekend Today, Scott Morrison turned a question about whether he has BBQ sauce on his democracy sausage into a stump speech about job keeper and co-funding the hospital system during the pandemic. We can’t fault him – those are more important issues than he was asked. Asked how he would celebrate as the results come tonight, Morrison pivoted to the unemployment rate (3.9%), the number of apprentices, and the Coalition’s superannuation policy for first home buyers, “Labor will never let you do that”.Former foreign minister, Julie Bishop, got a few questions and asked about a Coalition minority government: how prepared are you to collaborate, negotiate and back down on some positions you’ve held? He replied:

Let me make two points: The first one is voting for Independents today will create a chaotic Parliament at a time when Australia can least afford it. I have seen those parliaments in the past, governments having to negotiate for their existence every day. … Our policies we have set out very clearly, We feel very strongly about those policies because we know that is what delivers a strong economy, and if Independents want to support those policies, well, fine, but embracing policies that weaken our economy, that undermine our borders, that endanger our national security, that is not something that a government that I lead can do.

Asked about the first order of business if elected, Morrison answered about allowing first home buyers to access super, a scheme which won’t start until July 1, 2023.

Welcome to Albo Country.

Ok, time to start up a bit of a rolling collection of the funniest election campaign social posts. Given Wannon is the electorate I grew up in; I’ll kick off with this:

Brilliant. Dan Tehan’s challenger, Independent Alex Dyson, highlights the state of the roads in the chronically-ignored safe seat of Wannon.

— Daryl Maguire’s tractor (@DarylTractor) May 20, 2022
Paul Karp

On ABC News Breakfast, Scott Morrison was asked whether his promise to change meant Australians did not know what they would be getting. Morrison said:

Australian federal election

I’m afraid I have to disagree with that. The strength I have described in the way that I did remains. But we will be going into a different gear. That is the point I’ve been trying to make. During the pandemic, not much time for talking, not a lot of time for consultation, and not a lot of time to take people with you. You’ve got to make decisions right there at the moment. … But now we’re going into a phase where there will be more opportunity, and we can shift gears.

Guardian Australia challenged Morrison about the bulldozer analogy on Friday – it now appears to be so incoherent a promise of change with continuity that Morrison can’t bring himself to say the word. The “strength remains”, so Morrison will bring continuity, but we can shift gears, so there will be change. Hmm.

Johanna Nicholson noted that Morrison’s explanation that the “Morrison men” rush in to fix things doesn’t make a lot of sense – because most of the criticisms of Morrison are about absence (Hawaii, fires) or failure to fix things quickly (floods, vaccines). Morrison replied those are “Labor’s criticisms”:

What we have done is ensure that Australia has had one of the lowest death rates in the world, one of the strongest economies, with more than 400,000 people in jobs after the pandemic compared to before, more hours worked, and we have ensured that Australia has the highest, one of the highest vaccination rates in the world. Despite the early setbacks, we got in there and turned it around.

Australia’s vaccination rate is no longer world-leading – please see this factcheck of Morrison’s grandiose claims during the Coalition launch on Sunday.

Updated at 18.22 EDT

Paul Karp

On 3AW Radio, Scott Morrison said he “won’t telegraph where he’s going”, but his office has already said he’ll be in McEwen and Chisholm today. He rattled off other important electorates: Dunkley in the southeast and Corangamite in outer Geelong.

Morrison was asked about Josh Frydenberg and didn’t commit to dropping in on Kooyong but spruiked the treasurer:

He’s full of beans; he is indefatigable, and Josh is full of energy all the time and full of passion and commitment for his local community. I mean, all of us have the opportunity to serve as members of parliament. In the roles that Josh and I do as prime minister and treasurer, because of the wonderful support we get in our communities … he’s an outstanding local member, not just an incredibly fine treasurer. Josh is such an important part of the government’s team and the party and its future … I encourage people to back Josh because Josh supports his community and Australia.

On the choice between Labor and the Coalition, Morrison said:

[Australians are] deciding who they want to run the nation’s economy and finances because that will determine their opportunities in the years ahead. Because if you can’t manage money, you can’t support Medicare, and you can’t do all the necessary things. We’ve invested $19.1 billion in fixing our aged care system. All of this needs a strong economy behind that. And we’ve demonstrated that we have a strong economic plan, which puts downward pressure on rising interest rates and the cost of living.

Updated at 18.12 EDT

Paul Karp

Scott Morrison is starting the day in Melbourne, with trips to Labor-held McEwen in the northern suburbs and Liberal-held Chisholm in the east scheduled. Morrison said he started the day praying, waking up beside Jenny, his wife of 30 years.

Morrison’s first interview was on Sunrise, where he gave a stump speech about the economic recovery from Covid – check this fact-check on the bold claim Australia’s recovery leads the advanced world.

Morrison was asked about his low approval of women and whether it bothers him. He said:

No, look, I don’t take anything personally in politics. I seek to understand how people feel about these things, which is where I need to communicate better.

Morrison then rattled off statistics about the gender pay gap, how women benefited from tax cuts (although not as much as men, it should be noted), and other policies for women, including the budget endometriosis package.

Asked about his biggest regret, Morrison said:

Well, I’ve said it many times. What I’m hoping for in the future, and I believe this will be the case, is we are moving into a new period of opportunity. I wish we had been able to militarise the vaccine rollout earlier and bring General Frewen in earlier. We’ve got a wonderful health department, straight that’stthat’s the thing, in the middle of a pandemic, you don’t get everything right, but when you don’t get everything right, you get back in there and fix those problems, and that’s what we can do with General Frewen.

Updated at 18.10 EDT

Josh Butler

Anthony Albanese is kicking off Election Day in Melbourne, giving a series of morning TV interviews from the Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Asked about polls and tonight’s result, he said the numbers “indicate a swing to Labor on primary votes” before diving into a series of footy metaphors. He said:

Throughout my time as Labor leader for three years, I’ve said that we’d be kicking with the wind at our back in the fourth quarter.

I’m here at the MCG, the fourth quarter is what matters, and I hope to finish ahead when the siren sounds at 6 pm tonight.

Albanese added that the country could not afford three more years of the same and urged voters to “give Labor a crack”.

Albanese will hold a media event this morning in the Liberal-held seat of Higgins before returning to his home of Sydney to vote himself. He is expected to have a press conference around midday.

Updated at 18.01 EDT

You may have missed the result of two polls released late yesterday that pointed to a Labor win.

Polls from Roy Morgan and the Australian’s Newspoll released late on Friday showed a two-party-preferred vote of 53-47 in favor of the opposition – enough of a swing towards Labor for it to claim victory.

The Roy Morgan poll predicted Albanese would emerge from the election with a majority. The polling company warned, however, that the high level of support for minor parties and independents meant there was a strong chance its forecast majority win for Labor would not be confirmed tonight, as preferences were distributed and postal votes counted.

The two polls follow Guardian’s Essential polling on Wednesday, pointing to a similarly slim but sufficient Labor lead.

Updated at 18.02 EDT

Good morning all; I’m Nino Bucci, and welcome to election day! It has been a marathon campaign, but we’re now in the stadium, completing the final lap.

Both candidates are starting the day in opposition territory: marginal seats they hope to win to become prime minister.

Scott Morrison is starting his day in Victoria, in the marginal seat of McEwen, which Labor’s Rob Mitchell holds.

Anthony Albanese is also visiting polling booths in Victoria this morning, starting his day in the marginal seat of Higgins, which the Liberal’s Katie Allen holds.

We expect both candidates to do a string of media interviews before most of you are out of bed, so stay tuned for updates.

Bella E. McMahon
I am a freelance writer who started blogging in college. I am fascinated by human nature, politics, culture, technology, and pop culture. In addition to my writing, I enjoy exploring new places, trying out new things, and engaging in conversations with new people. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading, playing music, making crafts, writing, traveling, and spending time with my family.