Cryptocurrency and tax: could you end up paying the ATO more than you earned? | Cryptocurrencies

As tax time approaches in Australia, cryptocurrency investors have been warned to begin working out what they owe.

Some lessons can be drawn from the recent US tax season, where some enthusiasts had a tax bill that exceeded their earnings after the recent crypto market crash.

Mark Chapman, director of tax communications for H&R Block, told Guardian Australia the company was expecting thousands of clients seeking help with their crypto investments this year, adding they tended to have at least some knowledge of their tax obligations.

But he is concerned about those who might not know what they owe before finding themselves in the sights of the Australian Taxation Office.

“There are quite a lot of people, who don’t have tax agents, who simply don’t understand the tax implications at all,” he said. “They get into trading cryptocurrency and don’t give any thought to the tax implications, and they simply don’t consider they have to disclose anything on the tax returns.

“Or there’s an even smaller group who consider it but decide not to include it anyway.”

Cryptocurrency is not taxed in the same way as interest earned on money in a bank account. For example, if you bought $100 worth of Bitcoin and it increased in value to $500, you don’t pay tax on it unless you cash out, use it for purchase or exchange your Bitcoin for another cryptocurrency.

With the ATO indicating it will pay close attention to cryptocurrency assets this tax season, here’s what you need to know.

What tax do you have to pay on cryptocurrency profits?

If you cash out your cryptocurrency back into your regular bank account, you’ll have to pay capital gains tax (CGT) on the money you make. Any capital gain you make will be added to your taxable income and taxed at your income tax rate.

You’ll also have to pay tax when you swap one cryptocurrency for another, use it to purchase goods or services that aren’t for personal use, and if you give it away as a gift.


You can use cryptocurrency to pay for the personal use of goods or services up to $10,000, such as for a holiday or a car. But Chapman warned the ATO would closely scrutinize these transactions to determine whether the end purchase was the sole reason for buying cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency transfers are taxed when they occur, so even if the currency has lost value, you will owe tax on the amount exchanged or cashed out.

If you are a cryptocurrency trader rather than an investor, there is a 50% discount on the capital gains tax if you’ve held the investment for a year or more.

How to work out what you need to pay?

The ATO has a capital gains tax record-keeping tool it advises people to use. You’ll need to record how much you spent investing in the cryptocurrencies and what you gained when you sold them.

What about NFTs?

Suppose you have bought into the hype around non-fungible tokens. In that case, whether it be a “bored ape” or the Australian Open’s dalliance with NFTs, those are considered investments, and any profits are treated the same way cryptocurrency profits.

What if I don’t declare it?

If you don’t declare your cryptocurrency profits, you could get in trouble with the tax office. The ATO has been collecting data on cryptocurrency transactions and account information from designated service providers since the 2014-15 tax year, and its data-matching operation continues this year.

According to the ATO website, “the data obtained will be used to identify the buyers and sellers of crypto-assets and quantify the related transactions. We will match the data provided by designated service providers against ATO records to identify individuals who may not meet their registration, reporting, lodgment, and payment obligations.”

Isn’t there an easier way to do this?

Chapman said one issue the federal government should consider as part of the Treasury review of the legal framework around cryptocurrency is whether its tax treatment is the right fit.

“At the moment, we’re trying to shoehorn the treatment of cryptocurrency into an existing framework devised for other forms of asset,” he said.

“People who are investing in cryptocurrency often buy and sell quite frequently.”

Chapman said some clients would come in with statements that included hundreds of lines documenting the purchase and sale of crypto assets. The capital gain has to be calculated on every transaction.

“I think our tax law about cryptocurrency probably does ned to be looked at, and maybe just fine-tuned.”

Bella E. McMahon
I am a freelance writer who started blogging in college. I am fascinated by human nature, politics, culture, technology, and pop culture. In addition to my writing, I enjoy exploring new places, trying out new things, and engaging in conversations with new people. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading, playing music, making crafts, writing, traveling, and spending time with my family.