Kids tapping into vape black market

Young people can access vapes through easily accessible black market channels with unknown long-term health effects.

In some instances, children as young as 14 say they have become addicted to nicotine despite government efforts to restrict the accessibility of vapes heavily.

Many tobacconists across Australia now sell disposable vapes under the counter, and delivery services have sprung up on social media, often directly targeting young people.

One of those lured in by the easy access was 17-year-old Ruby, who told ABC’s Four Corners she was just 14 when she began to become addicted to nicotine.

“I don’t want to be like a massive snitch, but it’s super easy,” she said.

Camera Icon Some young people are becoming addicted to nicotine through vaping. Credit: News Regional Media

“There are lots of small dealers doing local areas and stuff.

“You go on your phone, like, ‘Can I pick up a vape?’ and they’re like ’20 minutes’. And you meet them somewhere, and they hand it to you,” Ruby said.

In October last year, Australia introduced a world-first model requiring a prescription to access nicotine vapes to reduce access to young people and the broader community.

Dr. Colin Mendelsohn, who specializes in helping patients quit smoking using vaping, says the prescription model hasn’t worked due to being overly difficult to access and has created more demand and growth in the black market.

“The government’s set up this complex system which just isn’t working; to find a GP who will prescribe and then to find a pharmacy that will sell it – it’s just not a workable solution,” Dr. Men.  Mendelsohn said.

“So people are going to the black market to buy unregulated products, and the black market is thriving and selling these products to kids.”

Shane Kerrigan owns iVape, which has operated since 2011 and runs two legal vape shops in Queensland.

He says since last years clampdown up out of control,”.

“People would rather, since last year’s clamp down on nicotine vapes now just walk into one of these illegal shops and buy a nicotine vape across the counter than go to the vape shop and work out how to do it properly,” he said.

Camera IconA price list for illegal vaping products from a tobacconist in Chapel St. Illegal vendors put those who follow the rules out of business. Credit: Supplied

Having followed the government’s rules and tight regulations on vaping, Mr. Kerrigan is now forced to close down one of his stores while illegal vape operations down the street thrive.

Since the restrictions on nicotine were introduced, Mr. Kerrigan says he has lost $400,000 in revenue and been forced to fire five employees.

He believes the government had failed to police its regulations.

“It’s all because of the government’s inability to police their bullsh*t. Why would you create a model and not set up the infrastructure in the background to police that model?”

As a “prescription medicine” the res,,ponsibility for policing illegal vapes sold through tobacconists or online largely falls to state health departments with assistance from state police.

The federal Therapeutic Goods Administration overseas large-scale importation, manufacturing, and advertising of illegal vapes. However, how individual states and territories enforce the laws, whether through the health department or police force, is up to them.

Camera IconResponsibility for policing the sale of illegal vapes is shared between organizations and generally falls on state health departments. Alex Coppel Credit: News Corp Australia

In NSW, the Health Department is the lead agency for policing illegal vapes. However, NSW Police said they did collaborate on enforcement and, if they received a report, had the power to “investigate and take action”.

Last month, NSW Health revealed it had seized over $1 million worth of illegal e-cigarettes and liquids since January, taking the total figure held since July 1, 2020, to over $3 million.

“We are cracking down on the illegal sale of nicotine e-cigarettes and liquids and taking a zero-tolerance approach to those who sell them,” NSW chief health officer Dr. Kerry Chant said at the time.

“You will be caught, illegal items will be seized, and you could face prosecution, resulting in being fined or even jailed.”

The maximum penalty for the illegal supply of liquid nicotine in NSW is $1,650 or six months imprisonment or both.

Despite these measures, young people can still get their hands on nicotine vapes, and more adult vape smokers are also choosing the high-nicotine illegal disposable option.

“You don’t have any choice with these disposables,” Dr. Men.  Mendelsohn said.

“They’re mostly five, sometimes six percent, which is ok for some heavy smokers who want to quit, but it’s not necessary for most smokers, and certainly for kids, it’s far too much.”

Camera IconDespite efforts to stop the trade, many teenagers are finding it easy to buy and smoke vapes. Credit: istock

Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Australian National University Emily Banks led a recent study into the harms of vaping commissioned by the Australian government.

The study found known and unknown health risks associated with vaping and raised the alarm about the potential for a new generation of young people to become addicted to nicotine.

It noted 32 countries worldwide had completely banned vapes and e-cigarettes, including Japan, Switzerland, India, and Mexico. Another 84 countries had no regulations, and 79 countries, including Australia, were regulated to varying degrees.

“What (Australia’s) regulator has said is, ‘We want to target this use to the people that are using it to quit smoking, and we want to avoid use in non-smokers,'” Professor Banks said.

“You can see that it’s not being particularly brilliantly enforced, and what you’re seeing is quite a lot of use in young people – but, we’ve got less use in young people than you would if you had it completely freely available.”

Dr. Mendelsohn fears the risk of teenagers taking up vaping will result in the government banning them outright, which he says will only worsen the problem.

“People are not going to just suddenly get on with their virtuous lives and do the right thing that you always want them to do; they’ll still do it in their way,” Dr. Men.  Mendelsohn said.

“Bans just send it underground and make the black market thrive, and the criminal gangs move in. You don’t reduce the use; you make it less safe.”

Bella E. McMahon
I am a freelance writer who started blogging in college. I am fascinated by human nature, politics, culture, technology, and pop culture. In addition to my writing, I enjoy exploring new places, trying out new things, and engaging in conversations with new people. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading, playing music, making crafts, writing, traveling, and spending time with my family.