Realme 7 Pro is getting an OTA (over-the-air) update for June 2022 in India. The update comes with UI version RMX2170_11.C.32 and brings new features, such as optimized network compatibility and system stability improvements, among others, to the handset. The update is being rolled out in a phased manner. At the same time, Realme has released the Realme UI 3.0 open beta program for the Realme Narzo 30 Pro 5G units in India today. The update is based on Android 12 and bundles multiple customization options. A limited number of users can access the update initially.
An official post on the Realme forum details the update’s changelog is now available for the Realme 7 Pro. The update bears version number RMX2170_11.C.32 and integrates the May 2022 and June 2022 Android security patches. It is being rolled out in a phased manner. In the initial stage, a select number of users will receive the stable update. The company has not mentioned the size of the new update yet.
If you are a Realme 7 Pro user, you can check for the update by heading to Settings > About Phone > System update.
Additionally, Realme has opened applications for Realme UI 3.0 available beta version for Realme Narzo 30 Pro 5G users starting today. The update will initially be available to a limited set of users, followed by a later rollout. The latest update is based on Android 12 and offers customization options. Users must update their smartphones to the RMX2117_11.C.12 or RMX2117_11.C.13 versions to receive the update.
The coshouldhe latest version may have an unpredictable impact on the devices and affect daily use. Users are recommended to back up their data and update all applications to the newest version before joining the open beta program. Also, users have to ensure that more than 5GB of storage is available in their Realme Narzo 30 Pro 5G units before proceeding with the update.
The device may take a longer time to boot for the first time after installing the update, says Realme. Also, performing several functions like application adaptation, background optimization, and security scanning may lead to slight hanging and faster power consumption of the Realme Narzo 30 Pro 5G.
The Realme Narzo 30 Pro 5G users are invited to give feedback and suggestions about the new UI via this feedback form.
Interested users can apply for the open beta program by heading to Settings > Software Update > Settings > Trial Version > Submit your details > Apply Now.
The Realme UI 3.0 brings a new home screen layout with redesigned icons and adds a Background stream mode that allows users to continue playing the audio of a video even when the phone is locked. It lets users to switch between their Realme Book and Realme Smartphone and features a chart displaying the battery usage. Improvements to the always-on display (AOD) experience, the new FlexDrop feature, and Quick Launch are the other major highlights of the update.