Telecom Industry, Wi-Fi Providers Should Collaborate for Biz Models, Says TRAI Chief

TRAI chairman P exhorted telecom companies and Wi-Fi providers to work collaboratively on developing innovative business models that would unleash the combined power of mobile and Wi-Fi technology to improve digital infrastructure.

Speaking at the Broadband India Forum event(Bthe IF), then the TRAI chief noted that with the proposed induction of 5G services, an “exponential” rise in data usage is right around the corner.

“With technologies like industry 4.0, 5G broadcast, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, machine-to-machine communication and robotics, the data usage will grow exponentially,” Vaghela said.

Studies have found that in 5G countries such as South Korea, the UK, the US, Japan, Australia,, and Germany, smartphone users,, on average,, consumed between 1.7 and 2.7 times more mobile data after the introduction of fifth-generation services as compared to 4G.

He called upon telecom and Wi-Fi hotspot providers to work together and develop India-specific business models.

“If you want to leverage the combined power of mobile and Wi-Fi technology to improve our digital infrastructure, increase digital inclusion, and bring us to the world level, telecom companies and Wi-Fi providers have to start working together collaboratively and develop innovative business models which are win-win for both, as well as for the consumers,” Vaghela said.

The TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) chief also spoke of public Wi-Fi emerging as one of the most successful means of enhancing broadband connectivity and digital proliferation.

“Keeping in mind the constraints of the mobile spectrum and network infrastructure, we need to have a complementary framework of Wi-Fi, including public Wi-Fi. Worldwide Wi-Fi, especially public Wi-Fi, has emerged as one of the most successful means of enhancing broadband connectivity and proliferation,” he pointed out.

Telecom Industry

Tremendous opportunity exists in India for the proliferation of public Wi-Fi hotspots, he observed, citing statistics on how the penetration of public Wi-Fi hotspots in India is below the global levels.

“Comparing it with global penetration and use, one cannot doubt the growth prospects of Wi-Fi in India…public Wi-Fi can benefit the people, the economy, and the nation.. .those who are digitally excluded can have broadband connectivity through Wi-Fi,” Vaghela asserted.

Realizing this, the National Digital Communications Policy 2018 set a 10 million public Wi-Fi hotspots goal by 2022.

“However, we are way behind this target,” he said. TRAI has been conscious of the need to promote Wi-Fi in India and has suggested enabling means occasionally time.

He said the expected arrival of next-generation ‘Wi-Fi 6’ will further reinforce the country’s need for a robust, public Wi-Fi network.

“A robust public Wi-Fi network will help deliver extremely high-capacity, high-speed, and highly secure broadband services to consumers by synergizing with the PM WANI model. Wi-Fi 6 will be many times faster than the current Wi-Fi standard and will offer better performance for every megahertz of spectrum,” Vaghela said.

He further mentioned that ‘Wi-Fi 7’ is also on the horizon and is expected to increase data download speeds significantly and offer lower latencies.

“This would truly help compliment 5G technology and improve the overall quality of services,” he said.

‘PM WANI’, despite its promising framework, has not made desired progress perhaps due to competition with cheap mobile data or other factors like the need to create greater public awareness, he said.

Bella E. McMahon
I am a freelance writer who started blogging in college. I am fascinated by human nature, politics, culture, technology, and pop culture. In addition to my writing, I enjoy exploring new places, trying out new things, and engaging in conversations with new people. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading, playing music, making crafts, writing, traveling, and spending time with my family.